Benteng Vredeburg was built in the year 1765 by the Dutch. Its function was to protect the business of Dutch East India Company (VOC) in the Yogyakarta Sultanate.
Yogyakarta was a thorn in eyes of the masters of East India Company in Batavia.
The Sultanate court was invaded for failure to comply with colonial instructions in 1810.

Later, during the Great Java War ( 1825 - 30 ) a prince of ruling family, Pangeran Diponegoro bacame a menace of fort's soldiers and commanders.

Today Fort Vredeburg belongs to the great list of the Dutch colonial architecture.

From the fort located in front of Gedung Agung you can watch another Dutch buildings housing the financial institutions.

Bank Indonesia in Yogyakarta.

Bank BNI in Yogyakarta.
Fort Vredeburg byl zbudowany przez Holendrow prawie 250 lat temu. Miejscowy Sultanat sprawial wielkie klopoty holendersiej kompanii handlowej VOC, ktora od roku 1618 urzedowala na Jawie. Fort nie ma wysokich murow jak fortyfikacje w Europie i na Bliskim Wschodzie lub na Zlotym Wybrzezu w dzisiejszej Ghanie.
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