Wednesday, April 22, 2009

New backpack guests in Khao San Road in Bangkok. Thailand

Today my thermometer in Bangkok measured 38 degrees Celsius !! It is nothing speciel to me living in Thailand so long.

I passed the most popular street among tourists in Bangkok afternoon. Khao San Road was full of foreigners.

I looked at faces of many visitors from Europe and America. Some Farangs seemed to use "good weather".

Hungry Farang. ( Farang = foreigner in Thailand )

Farangs with sunglasses and bubbly movement.

Thirsty Farang.

Farang in shopping mood. ( soon leaving Thailand ).

Relaxed Farang - " dude, I tell you, behind this corner is really cool stuff ".

Tired Farangs - " I don't remember so hot day. It's like in Sydney last year".


  1. Pozdrowienia z Katowic heh..;)
    My sie nie znamy, czy coś przegapiłam?

  2. I would love to go to Thailand one day. How long have you been there for?

  3. Thanks! yours too.. Nice points of view!

  4. Boszesz...tak goraco? jak w Sydney? w ogole mozna istniec poza budynkiem w okolicach poludnia? chyba najlepiej w piwnicy...

  5. Dzisiaj bylo 38 stopni. Ciekawe jakie bede mial rachunki za klimatyzacje w tym miesiacu ?
    April is the hottest month in Thailand.
